• Tan Dai Hung Plastic J.S.CO,

  • English
  • Tiếng Việt
  • Sewn Aquadam outsides.

    Product code:

    Description: Aquadam Product

    5 (100%) 1 vote

    Product detail

    These products are made from PP woven material with UV treatment and sewn as the Aquadam outsides

    • Usage : for  Flood control, water diversion, aqua barriers etc.
    • Capacity : Max. 1,500 units of sewn Aquadam outside / month (about 10 containers/ month)
    • Woven Material weight    : min. 110gsm (3.3 oz)  – max. 240gsm (7.1 oz)
    • Dimension of sewn Aquadam outside : 1ft tall – 1.5ft tall – 2.5ft tall- 3ft tall- 4ft tall- 5ft tall- 6ft tall- 8ft tall- 10ft tall- 12ft tall- 16ft tall.
    • Market:
      • Export (USA, Canada)                                    : 100%





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